Given that the tournament was a memorial to Robert Tough we asked players to dress with a Scottish theme and many did as you will see from the photos.
We usually mix things up for the final tournament of the season and this was no exception. The first game was a regular game of 10 ends with three bowls each; the second was 12 ends with 2 bowls each; the third was 14 ends with just one bowl each (there were some long measures in this game). In each game teams could nominate one end as a power play which meant their score was doubled. This proved very useful as teams found out. Trailing by 3 or 4? No problem, score 4 and its doubled up to 8 and suddenly you have a big lead.
The day started with a spider, with the best prize ever, a bottle of Scotch courtesy of Ann Tough. Between each game we also had a skills game. The first game involved delivering a bowl within 2 meters of the jack. Fail and you were eliminated. Succeed and you went into the second round which involved delivering within one yard of the jack. The final round was a challenge to deliver within one mat length of the jack. The winner was Ian Hartford.
In the second skills game a bowls was delivered from the hog line and had to hit a jack placed 2 meters from the ditch. It only took two rounds to find a winner and that was John Saunders.
The overall tournament winners were Jan Skillen, John Clews (Nan Hendren substituted for game 2) and Henry Kowalski. Click here for the full result.
Thanks to everyone who made this final game of the season such a success. We were pleased to have Ann Tough present the prizes. Here's a slide show of photos from the day.
Bill Arthur