Ben Van Steijn was the singles winner in that tournament which gives him another 10 points in the junior bowler of the year standings and takes him to the top of the standings. Ben is pictured with the trophy.
Baylee Van Steijn and Amanda Goodall placed third in the pairs and Danielle Goodall placed 6th out of 11 entries in the 4-3-2-1 category.
Lets hope they all do as well, if not better, this weekend. You can check all the Bowler of the Year standings by following this link.
On Wednesday night Peter Kurita put on a course for new skips and vices. This was also open to any member who wanted to attend to find out more about rules and strategy. Ten members attended. It was good to see a couple of new bowlers and also some who had previously attended this course but came to brush up their knowledge. I was disappointed that so few members did attend as I think it is a good idea to remind ourselves from time to time about how the game should be played and the current rules. I would encourage everybody to consider attending the next time one of these courses is offered.
The latest edition of the OLBA’s E Bulletin is available on their site. Just click here to see it.