Usually by this time of year the greens are, as per the name, green and lush. However, the severe winter has taken its toll and our President Ralph Stoffers, has, with Greenskeeper Mike Hendren, been working hard for several weeks now to bring the greens to life. Their hard work is paying off as the bare patches are now showing signs of growth.
Despite the problems with the greens the bowls were running pretty true and given that this was the first outing of the season for most members there was some good quality bowling. In bright and breezy conditions 36 members played a jitney of two ten end games. The first winner of the season was the team of Helen Beaton, Vince Tamburello and Norma Stoffers. In second place was the team of Dave Shirley, Baylee Van Steijn and John Johnson and in third place was the team of Dianne Lauder, Larry Flood and Ray Sheridan. The scores can be found on the jitney results page. I will keep the unofficial league table of jitney results on the same basis as last year. Points are only awarded when prize money is given. So, for example, on Saturday May 10th there were three prizes so the winners got 3 points, second two points and third one point. However, in the May 12th jitney only one prize was given so only the winning team got points (3).
Helen Beaton started this season as she finished the last one. When I looked back at the results from last season she finished with a 2 game win with 30 points - the same as she started this season.
The after game comments were the same as always - "We just missed the jack". "We were only inches from getting shot". If so and so had happened we would have won instead of losing. Yes - that's a true sign that the season is underway.
On Sunday, Ralph Stoffers, Dave Shirley and I (Bill Arthur) teamed up with Port Hope's Stan Zuly to play in a mens fours tournament at the Agincourt club in Toronto. In a high quality field which included a number of Ontario champions we placed second with a perfect 3 wins scoring 43 points, nine points behind the winners from Willowdale. A great finish to the opening weekend of the season and hopefully a portent for a good season.
If you are playing in out of town tournaments at any time and want to let others know about your success please send me details and I'll publish them.
Finally you'll find a couple of photos from the weekend on the photos page.