Twenty members played and there were two pairs games and two triples games. One of the bowlers who had not been out before said it felt like being back to normal even though some aspects such as pre-registering, Covid declarations and social distancing had to be observed. It certainly did feel like some kind of normal and it was great to see so many members on the greens and to have passers by watching the games.
We played one ten end game and I am keeping the scores. The members of each winning team will receive 3 points and I will keep the standings going until the end of the season. It just adds a bit of fun and interest.
The scores from each jitney this week are in the link below.
Here are the standings.
Vince Tamburello 6
Carl Ferguson 3
MyrtleWardman 3
Bozana Brick 3
Ralph Hewitt 3
Marilyn McMillan 3
Dave Jones 3
Janet Taylor 3
And in case you didn't know, Vince Tamburello is having trouble with his right shoulder and is bowling left handed!😮
Also below are some photos from Saturday

phase_3_week_1_results.pdf |