The Mayor spoke about what a great achievement it was for a Cobourg sports club to be celebrating 110 years. He spoke about the health benefits of lawn bowling, the social aspects of the sport and the joy it brings to non bowlers who stop to watch as they walk through Victoria Park. He then formally opened the season by rolling the first bowl.
The rain that had been called for stayed away and after the opening ceremonies we enjoyed an opening day jitney which was won by the team of Carol Dewey, Vince Tamburello and Thelma Eastcott.
The first week of the season will be a very busy one with schools visiting to learn about the sport and on Thursday May 18th the club is hosting the OSGA55+ District 12 lawn bowling tournament. And then on Saturday May 20th is the annual open house. People are encouraged to come and try out the sport and there will be a BBQ lunch available.
For those who are working their way through the ParticipAction 150 playlist this is also an opportunity to cross lawn bowling off their list. People who are not lawn bowlers are also welcome to visit and take a look inside the historic club house and check out the display about the club’s history. The club will have information on display at the Farmers Market so whilst visiting the market there is an opportunity to visit and then head down to Victoria Park to find out more and ‘Give it a Try”
The holiday weekend will conclude with an Open Fours tournament sponsored by Lauria Hyundai and we will have reports of all these events for you next week.
Finally if you missed Friday's Northumberland Today here is a link to the article that appeared