Nan Hendren and Bill Arthur placed second in a mixed pairs at Campbellford on Monday with 3 wins
In the same tournament Bob Bates and Pat Bylok were third as the two game high winners.
On Wednesday, Nan Hendren, Kathleen Shirley and Louisa Arthur were acclaimed as the District 14 senior ladies triples champions and will play in the Ontario championships in Windsor on July 9/10
Bob Bates, Carl Ferguson and I came second in the District 14 senior men’s triples (OK the truth is there were only two teams and we lost to an Oshawa team in the best of 3 games)
Another good turnout for the Wednesday night free lesson sessions but so far this has only turned into 4 new members
No joy for Baylee van Steijn and Nancy Fargo in the Ontario ladies pairs championship on Saturday, losing two games and in a double knockout format that was the end of the road for them. Reports suggest a tough draw for them and Baylee says that she is proud of their performance.
Martin Foxhall was playing in the men’s pairs representing District 9 with Erik Galipeau but they suffered the same fate as Baylee and Nancy.
Don’t forget – if you have news you want others to know about, please let me know.
Happy Canada Day